Wednesday, 11 December 2019

A Peek into my Artwork #2

I remember doing one of these kind of posts quite a while ago and I absolutely loved it and got great feedback from it so I thought I'd do another! I tend to put all my artwork on other platforms, most commonly instagram where I now have an account solely dedicated to my art. 

Thursday, 5 December 2019

All the things I want to do this month

So I know we are already almost a week into December but I couldn't not do this. To be honest, I've been finding it hard to get into the festive spirit this year. We haven't decorated the house yet, I haven't watched Elf or any Christmas movie at all yet (usually by this point I'll have watched Elf at least 3 times) and I haven't even started my Christmas shopping. I just feel like Scrooge this year and I can't seem to shake it. 

Monday, 2 December 2019

All-time favourite quotes that everyone needs to hear

Can we just all take a moment and let it sink in that we are now in December? It's almost a new year (and decade, holy shit) and I can't quite believe how quick this year has gone. I'm also over the moon that it's now fully acceptable to get out the Christmas decorations, jumpers, songs, movies, etc. And no one can say shit about it 'still only being November'. Suck on that, scrooge.

Saturday, 30 November 2019

where I've been for what feels like forever

Am I even allowed to say 'long time no see' anymore? 

The only post I have done since 2016 (yes it has been that long, wow) has been a 'hi I'm back' post in May last year and then I disappeared again. And the only explanation I really have, is that I just fell out of love with my blog and life became a bit shit for a while.

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

A lot has happened...

It's been that long, I genuinely don't know how or where to start this post... so, hi? I was going to apologise for being so MIA over the past year, but when I really sit down and think about it, I shouldn't be so caught up in what other people think or what I feel is 'expected of me' with having a blog. Obviously I love all of you that read my blog (if there's any of you left!) and I feel super bad for just disappearing off the scene with no real explanation.

Saturday, 15 October 2016

People You Should Totally Be Following On Instagram

I may be just a little bit obsessed with Instagram lately. I seem to spend hours without realising, scrolling down my feed and getting totally jealous of everyone's amazing photos. Spending so long trying to pick a 'theme', taking photo's that match said 'theme' and generally just becoming an instageek. 

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Let's Talk Anxiety: How I 'Cope'

So before I start, you may be wondering why the word cope is in quotation marks. The main reason is because I use the word cope very, very loosely. Mostly due to the fact that I still don't think I am at the stage where I am fully coping with my anxiety, more just learning how to manage it. I still have and probably always will have really bad days, it's just more recently they have been a lot more frequent and my attacks have been worse. 
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